Turn off the function will lose the effect

In order to eliminate body odor, is it good to stop sweating locally? The answer is not good.

If you don’t sweat at all under your armpits, you won’t have body odor. Why is partial antiperspirant not good?

Every function of every organ in our body will affect other related organs, and there is no completely isolated part of our body. Stop a physiological function, especially in an environment where there are many related organs, stop a physiological function. The short-term or long-term consequences can be severe.

The armpit is very close to the heart and lungs. In the hot season, or during strenuous exercise, perspiration under the armpit is very important to maintain local body temperature. Moreover, the sweat in the armpit also has a lubricating effect on the local area and helps the movement of the arm. If you use antiperspirant for a long time, it will have a bad effect on the internal and external environment around the armpit.

The sweat produced by the apocrine glands in the armpit is stickier than the sweat produced by the eccrine glands. It stays on the body longer. When we exercise, it not only has a lubricating effect on the local area, but also can more effectively remove the heat generated by the body, helping us maintain our body temperature without a lot of dehydration.


In addition, some studies believe that the secretions of the axillary apocrine glands have more content. It contains pheromone, which helps socialize and makes people more sexy.


Maintaining normal sweat gland secretion function, everyone has their own light body flavor without serious body odor is our goal.

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